
Joe O'Neil

From SWU Holocron

Game Designer

Star Wars: Unlimited Community Celebration

Designer Tidbits

  • Favorite Aspect
    • I think it varies set by set, because every pool does its own thing as the game's evolved. But out of the cards we are allowed to talk about (Spark of Rebellion) I think Cunning for sure.
  • First set you worked on
    • I started at the very end of Set 2. But I'm the lead on 5
  • Favorite card of Set 1
  • Favorite card you've designed (vague definitions are fine)
    • A Rare Command Heroic Leader in set 5.
  • Favorite set
    • Set 5 because I've worked the most on it. If I'm putting my Biases aside I'd agree with Danny on Set 3. The theming is way up there for me, and it plays well as a contained unit.

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