
Aaron Haltom

From SWU Holocron

Game Designer at Fantasy Flight Games


  • Token Upgrades: Cards

Star Wars: Unlimited Community Celebration

Designer Tidbits

  • Favorite Aspect
    • Vigilance, as stated on stream. I love keeping your units alive as long as possible.
  • First set you worked on
    • I started on 2, but I was around the office when Set 1 was happening. I was lead on 5 before the Padawans came, then handed off to Joe.
  • Favorite card of Set 1
    • I'm torn between either Han Solo Unit or Count Dooku Unit. They're both great, I come out, I take you out, and I'm a body that still lives here.
  • Favorite card you've designed (vague definitions are fine)
    • One of the Dual Aspected cards from Set 5.
  • Favorite set
    • If I put 5 aside since it's not done yet, I'd have to say Set 4, it's really fun.

Transmissions about Aaron Haltom

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