
You're My Only Hope

From SWU Holocron

Name You're My Only Hope
Aspects Heroism.png
Type Event
Cost 3
Traits Gambit
Abilities Look at the top card of your deck. You may play it. It costs 5Resource Icon.png less. If your base has 5 or less remaining HP, you may play it for free instead.
In sets SOR-246
Reveals Fantasy Flight Games
Artists Gretel Lusky
Lore Age Of Rebellion, Leia Organa, R2-D2, Tantive IV, A New Hope

Rulings for Card

Q: How do aspect penalties factor in with reduced cost cards? ie. How does You’re my only Hope interact with an aspect penalty card?

Examples: You're My Only Hope
A: In general, you will apply any effects that increase the cost (including aspect penalties), and then apply any effects that reduce the cost. In your example, if you use You’re My Only Hope to play a 4-cost card that incurs an aspect penalty raising it to a 6 cost, that card would end up costing 1 resource (4 + 2 – 5 = 1). Important to note that if you meet You’re My Only Hope’s condition to play the card for free, that will override all aspect penalties! No matter how many aspect penalties it would have, it would still cost 0.

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