
Other Rules

From SWU Holocron


Most cards have 1 or more icons showing the aspect to which that card belongs. Each aspect represents a different philosophy or motivation. These icons tell you what that card’s aspects are, and may be referenced by card abilities. Aspects are important when building your own custom deck (see page 20).

Vigilance.png Vigilance Command.png Command
Aggression.png Aggression Cunning.png Cunning
Heroism.png Heroism Villainy.png Villainy


Token cards are set aside and not shuffled into your deck. Some cards may instruct you to give a token to a unit. To do so, take a set- aside token of that type and attach it to a unit in play. An Experience token gives the attached unit +1/+1. A Shield token prevents any amount of damage from being dealt to the attached unit, then is defeated. If a token would leave play for any reason, set it aside.


All cards have traits, such as REBEL or IMPERIAL, which appear in a small banner near their text box. Traits don’t have their own rules, but some card abilities will affect cards with certain traits.


Cards you control are considered “friendly.” Cards your opponent controls are considered “enemy.”


Unique cards represent specific characters or objects in the Star Wars universe and are indicated by a ⬦ before the card’s name. You can only have 1 copy of each unique card in play at a time. If you ever have multiple copies of the same unique card in play under your control, you must immediately defeat 1 of them.


If you run out of cards in your deck, you continue playing with the cards you already have. Any time you would draw a card from an empty deck, you instead deal 3 damage to your base for each card you would draw. For instance, when you would draw 2 cards during the regroup phase, instead deal 6 damage to your base.


Several types of abilities can be found in the text box on cards:

  • Action abilities have bold text with the word Action, sometimes with a cost in brackets, followed by a colon and an effect. (See “Use an Action Ability” on page 14 for details.)
  • Triggered abilities have bold text indicating their triggering condition with the word When or On, followed by a colon and an effect. They resolve automatically after their triggering condition occurs, and are mandatory unless they use the word “may”. The 3 conditions that appear most often each have specific rules and timing:
    • On Attack: This happens after the unit is chosen as an attacker, before damage is dealt (see page 12 for details).
    • When Defeated: This happens after the card is defeated. The card is in the discard pile when the ability resolves.
    • When Played: This happens after the card is played. The card is in play when the ability resolves.
  • Keyword abilities appear in red text. Each keyword has specific rules associated with it, described in detail on page 24.
  • Constant abilities appear on cards that remain in play and have no special styling. They are active as long as the card is in play (regardless of whether the card is ready or exhausted).
  • Event abilities appear on events. They are one-time abilities that resolve when the event is played.


After learning the basics of the game, the next step is to start building your own custom deck. Additional cards to customize your deck can be found in Star Wars: Unlimited booster packs.

Your deck must include:

  • 1 leader
  • 1 base
  • At least 50 other cards, consisting of units, events, and upgrades

Your deck can’t include more than 3 copies of any card.

Your leader and base each provide aspect icons that dictate the colors of your deck. Your leader provides 2 icons and your base provides 1, giving you 3 apect icons total.

Most cards in your deck have 1 or more aspect icons near their cost. You can include cards of any aspect in your deck, but when playing a card with icons that are not provided by your leader or base, you must pay 2 extra resources for each missing icon. This additional cost is called the aspect penalty. In general, you should try to only put cards in your deck that match the aspect icons provided by your leader and base.

For example, if your leader provides a Vigilance.png and a Command.png Heroism.png icon and your base provides a Aggression.png icon:

  • A card with a single Vigilance.png, Heroism.png, or Aggression.png icon would cost no extra.
  • A card with Vigilance.png Heroism.png or Aggression.png Heroism.png icons would cost no extra.
  • A card with a single Command.png, Cunning.png , or Villainy.png icon would cost 2 extra.
  • A card with Command.png Heroism.png icons would cost 2 extra (because you have the Heroism.png icon but are missing the Command.png icon).
  • A card with Vigilance.png Vigilance.png icons would cost 2 extra (because you have a single Vigilance.png icon but are missing the second-in order to play such a card at no extra cost, you would need your leader and base to provide 2 Vigilance.png icons).
  • A card with Command.png Villainy.png icons would cost 4 extra (because you are missing both the Command.png and the Villainy.png icon and have to pay 2 extra for each). A good rule of thumb is for your deck to include about 30-40 units (with a mix of ground and space units), and about 10-20 events and upgrades. You should make sure to include cards with a variety of costs, including plenty of 1-3 cost cards to play early in the game.

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