
Millennium Falcon, Lando’s Pride

From SWU Holocron

Name ⟡ Millennium Falcon
Title Lando’s Pride
Aspects Cunning.png Heroism.png
Type Unit
Arena Space
Cost 6
Power 5
Health 5
Traits Underworld, Vehicle, Transport

If you play this unit from your hand, it gains Ambush.

Smuggle [<img src="" alt="icon_cost_6.png"> <img src="" alt="icon_cunning.png"> <img src="" alt="icon_heroism.png">] (If this card is a resource, you may play her for her smuggle cost. Replace her with the top card of your deck.)

In sets SHD-204
Reveals Fantasy Flight Games
Artists Ignacio Bazan Lazcano
Lore Unknown

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